Monday, November 12, 2012

What would YOU take?

"If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 albums would you take and why?"

Let's set aside for a moment my use of the world "album" and focus on the question at hand.  This is my absolutely favorite thing to ask people.   In the past, I've used is as a litmus test to weed out incompatible suitors.  It may sound harsh, but there is no way I could have had a long term relationship with someone who was an avid rap fan.  Or country.  It's just not my thing, and I'm okay with owning it.  I've also ruled out quite a few people who just didn't listen to the question, and thought WE were stranded on the island together thus selecting what they deemed "woo-ing" music.  Yeah, not so much.  

Now, just by the use of the word "album", I date myself.  I am willing to admit that my first forms of music were records, of which I still have a select few.  Despite no longer owning a record player, I have refused to let go of them.  Here's a sample:

You would be hard pressed now to even use the term "CD" as most people just download single songs and don't buy the whole album.  I, however, like to hear the entire progression.  To me, there is beauty in the story that the artist is trying to tell with the carefully selected song order.  Listen to "The Stranger" by Billy Joel from start to finish if you don't know what I'm referring to.  But I digress.  So, in no particular order, here is my answer:

1.  LIVE, "Throwing Copper".  One of the ultimate rock albums from the 1990s.  Every song is sing-at-the-top-of-your-lungs good, the lyrics alone are beautiful, and it ALWAYS puts me in a better mood.  Favorite song:  "I Alone"

2.  Amy Grant, "Lead Me On".  I used to go to a local roller rink when I was in my teen years.  One night, I ended up there on "Christian Rock" night and it was the first time I heard Amy's music.  I was a lonely girl from a broken home who longed for something to believe in.  Amy's music was and is the closest thing to church I've ever embraced.  Favorite Song:  "Lead Me On" 

3.  Duran Duran, "Seven and The Ragged Tiger".  This is my childhood favorite, and one that still makes me giddy whenever I listen to it.  While the lyrics aren't as powerful as the LIVE album, it's Duran Duran.  Do I need to say more??  Favorite Song:  "The Reflex"  

A strange list to some, I'm sure, but it's mine.  I absolutely LOVE music.  Old school rock and roll, 70s disco, almost everything made in the 80s (including hair metal), 90s alternative, Top 20, pop, and even now a little country.  Music can take us to places we've never seen, and protect us from the current space that we are in.  I respect and admire a performer who can not only write their own music, but sound as good live as they do on the radio.  The three on my list above fill both of those criteria - and I've seen them a combined 12 times!

There are thousands of songs that I love - and entire artists works - that are definitely not represented above.  I have almost 5,100 songs in my iTunes account, most of which I know the lyrics to.  It's amazing to me that I can remember the lyrics to a song that I learned in 5th grade, but I can't remember to pick up the dry cleaning?

Do you love music? What would YOU take??


  1. Oh gosh, I'm going to have to think about that but yes, you were right on FB if you were thinking Adam Ant's "Friend or Foe". :)

  2. Of course! I just assumed that there would be something from Adam on your list! #BritishBoyfriend
