Sunday, November 11, 2012

Don't cry, Just laugh

Have you ever had a bad day that kept piling one thing on top of another, to the point that you have to laugh so you don't cry?  Welcome to my yesterday.

After the morning debacle, I was in desperate need of a mood shifter.  We were about 20 miles from home and the atmosphere in the car was somber.  As we approached a busy intersection, I attempted to make a right turn (on a green arrow) when I didn't notice quickly enough that the car in front of me stopped instead of taking the turn.  I slammed on the brakes and BARELY (and I mean barely to the point that I didn't even feel it) touched her car.  I liken it to the amount of pressure your finger makes when you touch a something.  That's how barely I touched her.  Of course, she stopped.  And I stopped.  Both of us getting out of the car to survey our vehicles.  She asked for my information, which I gladly supplied to her, and she returned the favor.  As you can see, there isn't even a break in the rain water on her bumper from where we touched.

Call my cynical, but I took pictures.  Quite a few, all from different angles.  With my luck lately, do you blame me?  Well, I'm not sure how much this did to shift my mood, but I certainly had to chuckle at what my day was turning in to.

My sweetie and I (along with his son) decided to go get lunch.  In an attempt to cheer me up, we settled on a Potbelly / Jamba Juice combo that was guaranteed to make me smile. I am obsessed with Potbelly's loaded baked potato soup, and a drink called the "Orange Dream Machine" from Jamba Juice.  I don't normally feel the need to have both at the same time, but I was in need of a pick-me-up.  It helps that there is a location about 15 minutes from my house where each store is on opposite ends of a small strip mall, so I can get both at the same time!  We decided to grab our food and head home, which we managed to do without incident.  Don't I look happier already?

It was short lived. Apparently I was standing too close to the end of the kitchen island and I'm not quite sure how it happened but the next thing I knew my Jamba Juice was flying through the air.  I'm sure you can only imagine what happened next.

I was covered in Orange Dream Machine.  So was the floor, and my jeans.  In my effort to catch my cup before it hit the floor, I punctured the side of it with my finger, thus exploding it everywhere.  The lid, however, never came off despite the cup being upside down.

The three of us just stood in our kitchen and burst in to hysterical laughter!  What else was there to do?  I'm sure we looked like a bunch of crazies - the two of them laughing to the point of tears (and waiting for me to burst in to them) and me just staring at the mess, shaking my head with laughter.  After my sweetheart cleaned me (and the floor) up, I salvaged what was left of my drink (about 1/3), and went to bed sans Potbelly soup.  Can you imagine how much of a mess I would have made with that in my bed???


  1. One of those days where you just slowly lower yourself into bed and don't MOVE till morning, eh?

    :) At least it was only your juice that exploded and not your car, right?

  2. YES!! But then I would need to starve myself because I was afraid of what damage I was going to inflict on my sheets if I attempted to eat in bed!
