Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sasquatch, Housewives and Eggs

Today's post should have been a recap from Episode Two of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills".  I am seated in my usual write-a-recap location and I've scheduled my day to make sure that I have plenty to time to produce the perfect post.  Upon turning the television and DVR on, I discover that my beloved recorded "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science" while he was watching some bloody-horror-action movie thus completely canceling my recording of RHOBH!  Seriously??  It's a good thing that I love him as much as I do -  I won't be mad at him completely screwing up my schedule for the day.  He IS a great inspiration for my writing when I get stuck.  And he is the only man to have ever learned how to properly cook eggs the way I like them.  Over-hard is the technical term.  Smashed is what I called them as a kid.  Since he both inspired me yesterday and cooked me dinner, I'll let it go.  This time.  LOL

See you tomorrow with a recap.  Until then, I leave you with this beautiful picture of last night's dinner.  My smashed eggs!

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