Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Real Housewives of New Jersey - Episode Eight Mini-Recap

Hello All!  Happy Summer!!  I have my wonderful family in from out of state so this weeks usual recap will be replaced with just a quickie opinion and thoughts on the "sit-down from hell" between Jacqueline and Teresa (with a side of Caroline) that was the primary focus of Episode 8. (Just an FYI that, despite this post being a few days later than normal, I always wait to read the housewives "official" blogs on Bravo until AFTER I write my post!)

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Obviously, this conversation was long-overdue between Jacqueline and Teresa.  Fundamentally, I think what this comes down to is two women that have different definitions and expectations of friendship that don't mesh.  Haven't we all been there at one point in our lives??  Jacqueline wants a girlfriend that she can be honest with, share feelings and thoughts about her life, and go to as a sounding board when she needs advice and know that this person will be there for her to celebrate her victories as well as hold her hand through tears.  She is more than willing to give as much as she expects.  From what has been communicated on camera this season, Jacqueline has felt that her friendship with Teresa has been very one-sided.  Teresa may want "fans" instead of true friends.  Not once have we seen someone come to Teresa with an issue, attempt to have a reasonable conversation with her about something that she has done that has been hurtful, painful, or potentially less than accurate or truthful and received anything close to a mature response.  The louder she yells, the more she is trying to convince herself that what she is saying is the truth.  Does it makes sense that she would slam Caroline and her family in the cookbook when they were so chummy before?  Nope.  But does anything we have seen Teresa do really make sense?  At the end of the day, Jacqueline is hurt because she doesn't feel like she even knows who the "real" Teresa is.  The purpose of talking to her on this night was to get answers.  I think she saw and got all she is ever going to get from her.  The situation with Caroline is another story.  She is first and foremost still pissed off about the dig at her children in the cookbook.  Maybe it started there, maybe it started with things that we didn't see on camera.  But Caroline strikes me as the type of person who is willing to take a lot from people before she gets to the point that she is at with Teresa - which appears to be one step away from sheer disgust.  Teresa, for all of her words of starting from today and moving forward with Melissa and Joe, still holds a lot of resentment and anger for things that have happened in the past (hello Danielle??)   Unless she is willing to deal with her choices, take accountability for her part in the breakdown of the relationship with her family and friends, reflect, and learn new ways to deal with herself as well as others she is destined to repeat the same things over and over resulting in the same conflicts in her life.

Next week, we see the fallout from this conversation for Jacqueline and Teresa seems to reconsider the idea of therapy with her brother Joe.

Be sure to follow JustJen on Twitter @3girlsmomma19 !

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