Monday, June 11, 2012

The Real Housewives of New Jersey - Episode Seven Recap

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
When last we left the lovely ladies of Jersey, the Manzo/Laurita/Giudice clans were in Chicago to celebrate the wedding of Jaime and his partner of 13 years, Rich.  The morning of the wedding, we see the Manzo's and the Laurita's become aware of the latest tabloid magazine with Teresa on the cover (with a dog of all things after she made such a fit about being afraid of dogs in last weeks episode).  Apparently in the article, there are "quotes" from the "friends" Teresa says that are "bullying" her for being poor.  Those people include Kim G., Melissa, Kathy and Caroline.  When Greg walks back in the hotel room after running downstairs to get toothpaste (in his bathrobe of all things!) and brings the magazine for Caroline to see, you just know that this isn't going to end well for Teresa at some point.  Caroline is pissed that she was labeled "a bully by a bully" (her words) and that she was accused of picking on Teresa because of her financial situation.  Caroline says that she was there when no one else was, and now she feels that she was slapped in the face by her.  Jacqueline and Chris read it in their room, and while they don't seem as upset by the article as Caroline did, they are definitely perplexed by some of the quotes in the article (ex: "I don't try to keep up with the Joneses - anymore" while wearing the latest trendy dress, shoes, etc.).  Caroline feels that the article is "despicable" and that Teresa is a coward for coming to such a huge event within their family without any warning that something like this was going to be coming out at the same time.  She tells Lauren and Greg that she is not going to confront Teresa about it - she tried that with the cookbook and it was pointless.  She says that Teresa "hits and runs when there's an audience" and then looks like a victim when you call her on things.  Meanwhile, we see Teresa and Joe in their hotel room, and the "bedroom talk" between the two of them about lubricant and Joe going in the bathroom by himself and "taking care of business" almost made me up-chuck the popcorn I was eating.  For the record, Joe, it IS a real wedding in Chicago and Teresa I think the phrase you were looking for was a CIVIL UNION not civil rights.  And I don't understand why Bravo felt the need to re-air his gay-bashing commentary from last week, even to highlight again that Teresa thought it was funny.  Chris advises Jacqueline not to bring up the magazine article at the wedding - but clearly Jacqueline is perplexed but a few things and can't help herself.  When Teresa comes down to her room to get ready, she's not there 5 minutes before Jacqueline asks her about the dog.  Clearly, you can see from Teresa's reaction that she knows exactly what Jacqueline is talking about and her playing dumb about it was pretty pointless.  Teresa tells her that she doesn't control what they put on the cover, nor does she have any input on what they write in the magazine.  They simply ask her questions, she answers, and they go from there.  But then in her edited interview piece, she says that the other women don't understand the whole cover thing because they don't really get asked to be on the cover.  It's just business and they can't take it to personally.  To me, it came off like Teresa is getting paid for a certain number of covers and she needs to provide material for those covers, regardless of it's level of truthfulness.  Or that she pitches them a story and in order to get paid the "cover" money instead of the "regular article" money, she needs to juice it up (pun intended!).  She tells Jac that there's another cover coming up regarding the status of her marriage and all of the rumors by renewing their vows.  Hmmmmm.  Is this your "real" life or is this your public persona??

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
On the bus ride to the wedding, everyone was speaking (or trying to speak) in a British accent.  Lauren telling Joe Giudice to go eff himself in her accent was hilarious!!!  Speaking of Juicy Joe, why does he feel the need to call his wife a whore in front of a bus load of people?  Ok, so her dress was sliding down on the top and he was trying to make a point.  Is that really the way to do it?  (BTW - was Teresa really wearing tassels over her nipples??  There was a reference made, and the Bravo cameraman zoomed in but it's never clarified.  Thoughts??)  Is that his idea of kidding around with her?  And then when she pinches him to get him to stop he calls her a bitch?  Yikes!  Chris announces on the bus that BLK has just landed Levendi Wines to market and sell them on the East coast.  Which will include a trip to Napa.  That he feels the need to mention in front of EVERYONE.  When Caroline asks him who is going on the trip to Napa, and he says that he'd really like to enjoy it with everyone (including the Giudices), Jacqueline is confused about his motivation.  Caroline is trying to practice her speech, and Teresa is making small talk with her which is just annoying the crap out of her.  But she says nothing.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Melissa and Joe's shore house is finished and it's beautiful!!!  Not too little not too much.  It looks like the perfect summer house.  The Gorga's throw a party with of tons of food, cocktails, family and friends.  While Melissa was in the kitchen cooking, Joe came home with the tabloid in question and Melissa, Joe, Kathy and Melissa's sister Lysa proceed to discuss it.  Kathy, like Caroline, is upset at being misquoted and called a bully.  She feels that Teresa has every right to put out whatever stories she wants about her personal life, but when it comes to lying about her, she doesn't appreciate it.  Melissa feels that she needs to be loyal to her family above making money.  Kathy is torn over which Teresa she is supposed to believe - the one that sells tabloids or the one she used to know.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Wedding time!!!  Jac talking about her and Chris's "white trash wedding" in a park wearing grey slacks and a black shirt was hilarious.  So not what I imagined for Jacqueline.  I see a vow renewal in our future!!!  Teresa seems awfully focused on being at a "gay" wedding instead of "Jaime and Rich's wedding" which is really what the day is all about right?  Could ANYTHING be more romantic than the horse-drawn carriage that Jaime and Rich showed up in?  WOW - Beautiful!  Jaime and Chris were best friends growing up, it was great to hear him talk about how proud he is to be Jaime's brother and be there on that day to support his marriage.  It was really moving to listen to both Jaime and Rich read their thoughts and emotions (what I suppose would be traditional "vows") to each other.  Jaime talked about how when he was a little boy, dreaming about a place where he could feel safe and be loved for who he was and not what he was.  He said that Rich was his dream come true.  (Every time people clapped - their dogs barked in approval!).  Rich let Jamie in on the "secret" that he's been keeping from him for all 13 of these years - that he can sleep like a baby and wakes up with a smile on his face because Jaime is everything he ever hoped for and everything that he will ever need.  Both men were reduced to tears during this part of their ceremony, as was the majority of the crowd in attendance (and me sitting on my couch).  Caroline did an amazing job on her speech - she spoke from the heart about when Jamie came out and how afraid he was to talk to his parents.  He fought his whole life to be who he was, to be free, and his parents were happy that he was.  Her words were short and sweet, to the point, and conveyed the love she felt for both Jaime and Rich.  The releasing of butterflies after their rings were exchanged was fantastic.  And I like that Bravo showed them really kiss each other!  The wish lanterns that Jamie and Rich set off at the end of their reception was so beautiful - I guarantee that we will be seeing more of something so profound at weddings to come.  Did Joe Giudice tell Teresa that he wished for peace and health for all the sick people in the world with his first lantern?  And maybe a little boy with the second one?  Wow - it's the first time this season we have seen him look like the Joe Giudice of old - fun loving but with a good heart.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Down at the shore, the party at the Gorga's was rocking and Joe announced that Melissa had been working on a new single entitled "Rockstar".  We got to hear a preview of it and it sounds like a fun, summer party mix song that everyone was dancing too!  Richie and Joe went out front to talk privately about his situation with Teresa and the fact that he hasn't heard from her since he text her about going to therapy.  Rich was really proud of him that he set his ego aside about the therapy and reached out to her - he feels that it's a sign of where his true intentions are.  Joe text her again (with Rich there) and tried to get her to respond so they could work things out, hoping that since she was away without the kids (they were in Chicago during this time) that she would answer him.  Lysa is clearly the mixologist of the family - twice we see her pour gallon sized containers of Malibu in to gigantic drink dispenser!!  I love how fun every one is - jumping in the pool with clothes on (Hi Kathy and Kim!), Joe trying to throw Rosie in and she almost kicking his booty, to a hilarious whip cream fight that clearly no one was a winner because everyone was COVERED!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Back at the wedding reception, Teresa felt the need to share with everyone at the table that her book is on the NY Times best sellers list.  Which annoys the crap out of Caroline because Teresa keeps referring to them as her "family", yet the tabloid article is still floating around out there.  Caroline doesn't dance normally, but she did with her brother at his reception.  Teresa and Jacqueline took a walk and Teresa read the message that Joe sent her out loud.  Jacqueline is getting tired of dealing with it because Teresa won't move on.  She's stuck on the whole therapy thing - she's uncomfortable and knows "110% that she doesn't need therapy".  Teresa feels that if he needs the help, he should go.  Going to therapy is an admission that she's done something wrong and that's not something that she's willing (or capable it seems) of doing.  Jacqueline said maybe he is looking for someone to mediate, but Teresa feels that therapy will bring up the past and she doesn't want to do that.  She wants to take out a big pink eraser, wipe it clean, and pretend that it never happened.  When Jacqueline points out that she's tried that and it hasn't work, Teresa says that it's Joe can't do that because he is holding grudges and she isn't.  Excuse me, but isn't this the same woman who was rehashing the past in the parking lot with Melissa a few weeks ago?  And she's not holding a grudge?  Teresa acknowledges that her husband Joe told her he didn't feel that she should go to therapy, and Teresa said in her interview that she's not going to "go against" her husband.  Jacqueline keeps trying - God love her - to get Teresa to understand that there are two sides to everything and if she wants a relationship with Joe she needs to do the work.  Teresa saying that her brother hasn't been there for her AGAIN is ridiculous.  Jacqueline is trying to understand but she feels that Teresa is so far gone that she can't help.

Next week, the sh*t hits the fan between Jacqueline, Teresa and Caroline!!

Be sure to follow JustJen on Twitter @3girlsmomma19

Melissa Gorga's new single "Rockstar" is available on iTunes NOW!  

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