Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Episode Five and Six Recap

*Authors Note:  You may have wondered why I have been a little absent since the end of #NaBloPoMo.   Me, Myself and Jen is in the process of a redesign and migration to WordPress, which should be completed by the end of this week.  It's hard to believe that we haven't even reached our one-year anniversary and already we have grown so much!!  Thank you to everyone who has stopped by, read, commented, followed and supported Me, Myself and Jen on this amazing journey.  It seems fitting that my very first post on Blogger was a #RHOBH recap, and my last post will be the same thing!  I hope to see you at www.memyselfandjen.com and look forward to continuing to connect with you about things that I am passionate about.  
Now, on to the Housewives . . .

Episode Five:

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
When we last saw the ladies, Kim and Brandi were having a bonding moment which Adrienne interrupted.  Brandi, not appreciating it, told her to "shut the f*** up".  Yikes!! But I see where Brandi was coming from - she and Kim were having their first decent and "real" conversation EVER and Adrienne felt the need to butt in.  Kim and Brandi excused themselves to the ladies room together, and Kim seemed like she was upset at Adrienne for her behavior as well.  Kim was still upset by the choices that she made in the past, and by the words that Brandi used on game night (Season 2, Episode 6 - before I was blogging!).  They apologized to each other again and Brandi hugged Kim while she cried.  Kyle, staying back at the table, agreed that Adrienne should have stayed out of it but Brandi's language was uncalled for.  Lisa defended Brandi, and then it turned in to a gang up on Lisa fest.  Yolanda just felt that it was rude.  Kyle couldn't get past the "inappropriate" language and kept harping on it.  Lisa got up from the table and joined Brandi, Kim and Taylor in the bathroom.  Lisa tried to explain to Brandi why the rest of the girls at the table were not thrilled, and encouraged her to apologize to Adrienne for her inappropriate language.  Lisa completely understood and supported WHY she said something, she is just not thrilled with Brandi's choice of words.  Brandi apologizes for saying the "F word", globally at the table, Adrienne says "apology accepted" and everyone moves on.  After taking a quick phone call, Brandi announced that she got a book deal at the table and Camille was the only one that congratulated her.  Kyle and Taylor sat there with shocked looks on their faces, and Taylor and Adrienne made a big production out of NOT commenting (Brandi made a few remarks at the reunion about how quickly Taylor's book came out after Russell's death).  Yolanda sat there and watched them all sling old mud at each other, and tried to encourage them all to move on.  Adrienne jumped in twenty minutes later and said that she got a book deal too.  Good lord what's wrong with these women!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
The next morning, Camille, Adrienne, Kyle and Yolanda are up early for breakfast and a hike.  Camille mentions that while she still has her jewelry from Kelsey, he is very happy with Dimitri.  They are having a good time together but are also in no hurry to move anything to the next level.  Camille and Kelsey were married for 13 years, so she's not rushing in to anything.   Adrienne is still upset about the comments that Brandi made at dinner the night before, and I'm sure it gets discussed again during their hike.  It's definitely a topic in Lisa and Brandi's room.  Lisa again tells Brandi that it's difficult to defend her when she uses such profane language.  She encourages  her to speak with more class, and she can get her point across more effectively.  Brandi commented to Lisa about a phone call between her, Paul and Adrienne after the reunion in which they asked her to retract, on Twitter, things that she said (and knew to be true) so that they looked better and Lisa looked worse.   Brandi refused, and it's been strained between them ever since.  Obviously, there is a back story between Brandi and Adrienne that we didn't see but that is playing out on camera now.  Later on in the day, there were golf cart races to lunch (hilarious driving by Yolanda and Lisa) and the most un-athletic badminton playing I've ever seen from grown women.  Although not surprising for "Beverly Hills" ladies.  Next was spa time, which was definitely more their speed.  As they relaxed on the loungers, Kim gave a really sweet toast in the hopes of bonding everyone together.  Taylor was kind of freaked out by "spiritual Kim" as she called her but I thought it was nice to see her happy and positive.  They all went in to this room and enjoyed a combination mud spa / sauna treatment together where they had to rub detoxifying mud all over themselves.  The next thing you know Yolanda starts heaving muddy towels at Lisa and then there's a towel fight (which is pretty hilarious).  The ladies try to be quiet for one whole minute, like a bunch of toddlers. 10 seconds in to their minute, they start giggling.  Lisa throws a cup of water on Kyle.  Then Yolanda throws a whole pitcher of ice water on Kyle, and now instead of a towel fight it's a water fight.  Not very mature, but very funny to see the ladies laughing and being silly together!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
The ladies had a private dinner at their villa on this, their last night.  A very fancy bottle of wine is opened, and we learn that Yolanda is one month in to a three month fast from alcohol.  She explains that she broke her back during the delivery of her son and is always experiencing back problems.   There is a holistic treatment in Europe that she gets (something about injecting the cells from an unborn fetus of a baby lamb in to her back - eww) that she can't drink while undergoing it.  No one knows quite what to say, so Brandi asks if anyone else had complicated births, and the talks turns to pregnancies and childbirths.  Camille feels a little left out because she had a surrogate for both of her children so it's not a conversation she can really join in to.  Dinner is uneventful, ad they move to the living room.  The wine flowed at dinner and after.  Once Brandi made Patron shots for everyone, Yolanda and Kim excused themselves for the night and headed to bed.  They were both interested in getting a good nights sleep, getting up tomorrow, exercising and having a productive day.  And it's no fun being the sober ones in a room full of (admittedly) slightly drunk, loud, silly women.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

The remaining ladies (Kyle, Lisa, Camille, Taylor and Brandi) head up to some one's room to continue the party.  Brandi and Taylor end up laying on the floor arm wrestling (and smooching first!)  Taylor cheated and used two hands to beat Brandi, and then they were kind of wrestling on the floor (but still laughing - nothing mean).  Taylor gets up and says "You beat me!" and they hug.  Next Brandi asks if Adrienne wants to arm wrestle.  Which they did.  After Adrienne tried to cheat several times, Brandi finally beat her.  I'm not sure how much time elapsed in filming but the next thing we are seeing is the women all pretty hammered and doing acrobatics - running from the hallway and doing flips.  Taylor hands Adrienne underwear to put on.  They are doing handstands and flips on to the bed (with long dresses on!)  Adrienne actually went and changed her clothes so her booty wasn't hanging out (unlike Taylor who's booty was on display for everyone to see).  They laughed, didn't fight, and it looks liked a rich girlfriends silly sleepover!

Kyle was up the next morning with Kim and Yolanda, who had already worked out prior to meeting up with Kim and Kyle.  They were talking about the silliness the night before, and Yolanda commented on hearing a lot of noise (her bedroom was underneath the craziness).   She said there's nothing worse and un-classy than drunk, out of control women.  Kyle (during her interview) said she (Yolanda) may want to find a new crowd of friends.  So true!!!  All of the ladies ride home together in a gigantic Hummer-esque limo.  There is some tension when Kyle brought up the dinner conversation with the F word again.  Brandi was defensive and she called BS on Adrienne's excuses for why she jumped in the middle of a conversation that had nothing to do with her.  Adrienne feels that Brandi is looking for a fight, and Brandi feels like she and Adrienne need to have a private conversation to resolve some of their issues.

Episode Six:
Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Mauricio came home and talked to Kyle and Alexia about the house getting egged.  I'm not sure if this was just a ruse to get her outside to show her the ridiculous new car that he bought for their 16 year old or not.  But outside they went to look at the "eggs" and instead handed the keys to a Mercedes C250 2-Door Coupe (base prize $39,500) to their daughter.  Alexia flipped out - she was so excited!  I certainly hope so.  At least Kyle acknowledges that she is going to get grief from her friends for buying a young girl such an expensive car.

Brandi and her book agent went out for sushi to discuss some of the details regarding her book.   She talked about Ojai and how she announced that she got the book deal and how bummed she was that no one was happy for her.  Her agent feels that she needs to have her picture on the cover - and Brandi is reluctant.  And they are having an issue with her title.  She'd like the F-word in the title (shocking!) and he can't do it.

Lisa has a new appetizer menu at SUR and is having a small tasting for some of her friends.  This whole segment, introducing Jax the bartender, and showing Lisa disciplining Stassi, one of her servers, is just a promo for Lisa's new show on Bravo "Vanderpump Rules" about the staff at SUR.  The staff is young, hot, and Lisa has to keep them in line.  Not sure how interesting it's going to be for those of us that are "Housewife" fans.  It looks little like the old MTV show "The Hills" with Lisa thrown in to grab the "Housewives" audience.  I'll watch one episode and let you know what I think.

Brandi calls Lisa to find out if Scheana is working the tasting at SUR.  If you will remember from last season's SUR launch party, Scheana is a girl that Eddie cheated on Brandi with, who now is an employee of Lisa's at SUR.  That evening, Lisa sent her home because she didn't want to make Brandi feel uncomfortable.  Brandi doesn't want to take anything away from Lisa's tasting, and Lisa makes sure that Brandi knows she will never schedule Scheana on a night that Brandi is coming to the restaurant.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
The garden at SUR is the setting for the tasting, and it's a small group.  Brandi, Kim, Kyle and Mauricio, Taylor, Lisa and Ken.  Lisa is concerned that Kim is okay, and asks her is she is feeling strong.   Kim says she has people that make her feel emotional - some are currently part of her life.  Kyle feels that there is still underlying tension between her and Kim but she's hopeful that they will work through it.  Then we meet Francis, the executive chef.  The appetizers look awesome.  Lisa didn't invite Adrienne - she said she was busy.  Brandi snidely commented that she was working on her book.  There was some debate over whether Adrienne having actually having a book deal was accurate, and Brandi said her agent told her that it wasn't true.  Kyle asked Brandi what really went down between her and Adrienne.  Brandi said there were so many things that they didn't know about.  She has zero tolerance for her and she lies a lot.  Adrienne wanted to meet up with Brandi and talk about Lisa.  She was going to have a go at Lisa and Brandi knew it and she wasn't comfortable with it.  The Adrienne-Paul-Brandi phone call came up.  Brandi felt they tried to intimidate her, and she refused to jump on the team.  Brandi was very vocal and went on and on and on about Adrienne and what happened and why she was unhappy with her.  Brandi said during her interview that they all knew this one particular lie to be true and she just decided to say it out loud.  The next thing we, the viewers, see is the back of Brandi's head and music, no voices.  Whatever Brandi said was deliberately muted by the producers so it was not heard at home.  Then Kyle's face, looking surprised.  All we saw was Kyle react during her interview after, saying "what was this woman thinking?" about Brandi.  Kim and Taylor both said in their interviews that it was very private, and it's family related.  Kim is floored - she said that Brandi dropped this big bombshell about Adrienne and then everyone got up and left like nothing was going on.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
The next day, Ken and Lisa arrive at the hospital for Ken's hip replacement surgery.  Apparently he has an old injury from a polo accident that now is at a point that it needs to be addressed.  Lisa is nervous and anxious.  Despite knowing that it is a relatively routine procedure, and that Ken has he very best surgeon in the country, he is 16 years older than her and anything can go wrong.  Both Pandora and Matt show up to lend their parents support and stay with them until Ken is wheeled away to surgery.  Lisa looks like she is holding back the tears. I know that Lisa jokes alot about Ken, but she loves him dearly and you can tell she doesn't want to be without him.  Several hours later, the doctor comes in and tells them that there were no complications or problems and the surgery went great.  He will be in the hospital for a couple of days.  Great to hear!

Mauricio has opened his own real estate company called "The Agency" and tonight is one of their first big events.  Camille and Dimitri are the the first from the "group" to arrive.  It's very clear that Camille is happy with Dimitri and I'm glad that she has moved on.  It would be nice if the petty comments about Kelsey would stop.  It's just not necessary and she's so much better than that!   Brandi and her friend Darrin along with Kyle and Taylor arrive.  Kyle keeps stressing what a big deal tonight is for Mauricio and his company.  We learn from Mauricio that in 2010, he was the #7 agent in the country (with sales of $180 million that year).  Wow - he's very successful in what he does!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Kim arrives and joins Kyle and Taylor and Camille and Dimitri.  Brandi would like to stay far away from Adrienne, and comments during her interview that she's not worried because she feels like these girls aren't the kind that go "run and tattle the minute they hear something".  Really?  That's EXACTLY what these women do!  Sure enough, Adrienne and Paul aren't there for more than what seems to be five minutes before Kim tells them that they missed quite a meal at SUR.  Kim said she wanted her to know what was said about her because what was said was "that big".  Again, the editors deliberately mute out what Kim tells them and we aren't shown her face so that we can tell what she says.  All we see is Paul and Adrienne's reaction - which is shock and surprise.  Words like "defamation" and "lawsuit" start floating around.  Paul is insistent on confronting Brandi about her accusations or leaving.  Adrienne starts telling Kim that Brandi lies 24/7 and that she should spend more time taking care of her own children.  Kim says she didn't tell them to start an argument!  What the heck did she think was going to happen by telling them at a public event?!  Adrienne and Paul decide they are going to leave, and approach Kyle and Mauricio (who are standing very close to the rest of the group) their goodbyes.  Kyle has no clue what's going on, and Paul says they are leaving because of comments "that B*tch" said.  Of course, he is close enough to Brandi for her to hear and react, which she does, and the next thing you know Paul is in her face.  Brandi stays seated in her chair and attempts to keep her cool despite both Adrienne and Kyle being very aggressive towards her.   Kyle - looking at Kim - cannot believe that she chose NOW to tell Adrienne what Brandi said.  A screaming match ensues where nothing productive is said.  A lot of name calling back and forth and accusations about who is lying.  But we never hear about what is actually said.  Kyle is in panic mode and trying to do damage control because they are making a scene in front of Mauricio's clients.  She manages to get Paul and Adrienne away from Brandi and they leave - but not without making nasty remarks about Brandi's parenting and her character.

Why would Bravo allow comments like that to be made and not let us hear what the actual comments were that started this whole thing?? Was this an editing decision that the producers made to mess with the audience, or was this a legal decision that was made in light of the comments being untrue?   I'm a little frustrated that we weren't given the whole story as it played out and instead of being kept in the dark.  Hopefully, whatever these "inflammatory" comments that Brandi said will be revealed at some point.  Brandi has been shown to be very outspoken and brash - but not a liar.  It'll definitely be interesting to see how this plays out.

NEXT WEEK:  Kyle questions Kim's decision to tell Adrienne when she did, Mauricio is upset, and another dinner party with drama.

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*  Just an FYI, I have not been compensated in any way for this post.  I am sharing this recap and my thoughts on it from the perspective of a viewer / fan of the BravoTV show "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills".  I hope you enjoy it and I welcome your comments!  

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