Thursday, December 6, 2012

Decking the Halls

In years past, I have not really gotten in to decorating for the holidays.  There were years before Princess M (7) was born that I didn't even put the tree up because we traveled through the holidays and it just didn't make sense.  With the blending of my new family, we have begun to make some decorating traditions of our own.  First, we moved the location of the Christmas tree in the house.  It used to be in a corner of the formal living room - where you could see it through the windows from the outside, but if you were sitting in the family room watching television you could not.  Now, it's new home is between the windows in the living room - not where the neighbors can enjoy it but where WE can sit on the couch and look from the television to the tree.  Or just the tree if we want to.

Next, I never decorated the outside of the house.  Ever.  I was one of those people who made fun of people who did decorate.  Why you might ask?  Because I didn't have a backbone of my own and shared the opinion of the person I was married to.  Plain and simple.  But not any more.  Starting last year, our family strings a couple of thousand lights outside the house.  If I could figure out how to get the top edge of the house decorated without having to get on a VERY tall ladder, I would.  Right about now, you may be envisioning something out of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  It's not that bad.  Here are a few pictures:

See?  It's tasteful and pretty.  It's not my fault that there's an open field next to my house so you can see the lights for a good 1/4 mile or so!

We even caved this year and now we are the proud owners of an Elf named Sally who finds a new place to hang out every day. (Here's her official introduction.)

So how do you decorate for the holidays?  Is Christmas even a holiday that you celebrate?  I'd love to hear about your family traditions this time of year and how they've evolved over time!

*Disclosure:  No neighbors were harmed from the glow of the lights from my house!

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  1. Looks great! We have a couple strings of lights outside and an inflatable monkey :)

  2. I think it looks great! The only thing I've decorated is my tree. I am thinking about doing some more, just not sure where to start and don't want to spend a whole lot of money.

  3. Sarah: my youngest is obsessed with monkey's so she would be thrilled!! Thanks for the compliment!

    Laura: Start with a few strings of lights and add each year! Just make sure you label where things went year by year or by the time you get to where we are, it gets out of hand!
