Thursday, November 1, 2012

Witch Hazel rocks!

Around this time last year, I was reading a blog that talked about the tons of leftover Halloween candy and what to do with it (other than eat it yourself / let your kids eat it).  One post talked about how Witch Hazel visited her house, took all of the unwanted (ahem) candy and sent it to children that weren't able to trick or treat and left presents behind.  Genius!!  I was concerned that since my girls were 6 and 3 and had never head of this, I might not be able to pull it off.  Well, apparently I was a mother with awesome powers of persuasion because it went off without a hitch.  So much so that the girls were actually LOOKING FORWARD to getting rid of the candy this year so that Witch Hazel could stop by! *insert patting self on back*

Although now we needed to convince my bonus-daughter (who is 9) of this story too.  I let the girls do all of the work, and she seemed to roll with it. (Upon checking back in with her later in the evening, her response of "it's ok - I've got a stash of candy at my mom's house" made me laugh out loud!).  The girls were so excited to go out trick or treating together in the costumes they came up with themselves - Pink Girl, Purple Girl and Blue Girl.  All based from clothes in their closets and their favorite colors.  We just added the crazy hair, tons of jewelry and colored hair spray.  We kept the theme running with their coats, gloves, and even color coordinated pumpkins.  Trick or treating lasted about an hour through our neighborhood.  The girls had a great time, laughing and running from house to house.  I even made an attempt at a costume to take them out.


Once home, we sorted through their candy and I let them pull 10 pieces out each.  The rest was tossed in to their individual Witch Hazel bags and hung on the back door for the night.  This morning, the girls eagerly got dressed and rushed downstairs to see what Witch Hazel had left them.  A movie, a small princess toy  color coordinated to their costume) and a gift card for Jamba Juice.  Wow - that Witch Hazel is so clever!!

What do you do with all of the Halloween candy your kids bring home?  Does Witch Hazel stop by?


  1. That's a great idea!
    How many pieces of candy did Witch Hazel pull out for herself? :)
