Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Episode Three Recap

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
It's finally prom day for Kim's daughter, Kimberly, and Kim is doing everything she can to make sure it's a perfect day.  She's has a hair stylist / make-up artist come to the house to get her ready, and Kim is making a ton of food (that is a gigantic bowl of chicken salad!).  Kimberly feels like her mom is more excited about prom than she is - and I would agree with her.  Once dressed, we get to see that Kimberly selected a back, one shouldered dress that looks very pretty on her.  Her boyfriend Nick arrives - he's 20 to Kimberly's 16.  Kim takes pictures and fusses over her daughter and Nick -  a scene that's played out in tons of living rooms during prom season.   It was all very sweet, and you can see that Kim is having a hard time with this being her youngest child.  The kids leave quickly, and she is left with all of this food that is untouched.

Yolanda has a meeting with the butler/caterer (Richard) to go over the planning and menu for a dinner party that she is throwing for the ladies.   We clearly get the impression that she loves being a hostess and it is something that she does quite often  Richard is very familiar with her style and her likes and dislikes and they seem to settle on a menu quickly.  Yolanda built this house to host parties - it's 12,000 square feet.  She tells Richard that she has invited "Lisa's friends" and their spouses.  Richard reminds her that he has met several of the ladies before at the "Grammer's house".

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Kyle is struggling to teach Alexia how to drive and help her study for her driving test.  Again - the ladies may live a glamours lifestyle, but it's nice to see them still doing the every day things that most parents do.  Except Alexia is learning to parallel park in her mom's Porsche.  HA!  Speaking of fancy cars - Lisa arrives at Kyle's house for tea in her white Bentley wearing sky-high heels.  How on earth does she drive in those?  Inevitably, their conversation turns to the whole Lisa/Adrienne drama and why Lisa left Portia's party early.  Lisa felt that Portia's party was not the place to run in to Adrienne for the first time in months (I agree).   Kyle lets Lisa know that Adrienne has asked her to arrange a get together between the two of them so they can talk.  Lisa's take on it is that if Adrienne feels that Lisa lacks that much integrity, why would she want to be around her?  (see my posts from the reunion regarding the back story on this).  Lisa doesn't like to be insulted and accused of things she didn't do.  If Adrienne is willing to start a conversation off with an apology, Lisa is willing to listen.  Otherwise, she's not interested.

Paul and Adrienne arrive in a limo to pick up Kim for Yolanda's party.  Adrienne hasn't met her yet, but Kim tells her about their first meeting at the Villa Blanca party and how much she connected to her right away.  Kim is feeling healthy and stronger every day, but she still has her challenges.  Shocking - the conversation turns to talk of Adrienne and Lisa pretty quickly.  Paul throws his two cents worth in ("she owes Adrienne an apology") and Kim fears that Yolanda's first dinner party may turn in to a disaster because of this situation.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Yolanda's house looks breathtaking.  Her staff has done an amazing job with the table presentation, and no detail has been overlooked.  Mauricio and Kyle, along with Taylor, arrive first.   Kyle immediately recognizes the butler and says an internal uh-oh.  Taylor looks a little nervous and unsettled from the start.  Kyle comments that she sees perfection everywhere.  As they are talking to Yolanda, they end up standing in the kitchen next to her refrigerator.  Well, I'll call it a refrigerator because it cools food, but I've never seen anything like it before!  Yolanda custom designed it (of course).  Basically, it's a walk in pantry with glass double doors, and large glass shelves that are floor to ceiling.  All of the fresh fruits and veggies are color-coded and in baskets, displayed to perfection.  Yolanda acknowledges that she is a little OCD.  By looking at the refrigerator, there's no doubt.  Lisa and Ken arrive, and Richard (the butler-slash-caterer) says hello and reminds them that they have met before at Camille's.   Kyle and Lisa chat quickly that he was also at a birthday party that Mohammed (Yolanda's ex) through for her too.  Funny!  Lastly,  Kim, Adrienne and Paul arrive and Lisa just turns and walks away when they approach to say hello.  Paul is in the house for 2 minutes before the F-bombs start dropping!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Yolanda tells the ladies that she invited Chris Botti, the jazz trumpeter,  for Brandi but she couldn't make it tonight.   David Foster (legendary music mogul and Yolanda's husband) arrives and makes the rounds greeting everyone.  We learn from Taylor during her interview that  David used to be married to one of Taylor's good friends (Linda Foster) who we saw last season make a one time appearance at Brandi's party from hell.   Yolanda corrals everyone for dinner, and she has assigned seats for everyone.  Lisa is tyring to be polite, but there is zero contact between her and Adrienne.   Yolanda and David both sit at the head of the table, next to each other which is an interesting set up.   David feels that Yolanda is a perfect hostess and homemaker.  Chris instead sits next to Taylor, who clearly has had too much to drink.  She starts repeating the Brandi story AGAIN, and the slurring is very unattractive.  Yolanda says "There is nothing more ugly than a drunk woman".   Tag line of the night.  David tells the story of how he and Yolanda met - through Mohammed (Yolanda's ex).  David was single and going to move in with Mohammed for a while.  He kept seeing pictures of Yolanda all over the place and finally asked Mohammed who she was.  He told David that she was his ex wife (and the mother of his children), and he would introduce them.   He did, they had a "moment", that was it!  Lisa was there the night that David proposed to Yolanda - apparently they have been friends for quite a while.   The Foster's have a tradition at their dinner parties -  they "do a little music" afterwards - and tonight is no exception.   David and Chris, along with Michael Johns from American Idol (also present at dinner) have been working on some things together.  Before they start eating, David makes a beautiful toast to Yolanda and you can see that they are very much in love.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Someone asks David what is his favorite song he has written, so he goes to the piano and starts playing "Look What You've Done To Me" from the movie Urban Cowboy.  Kyle is flustered because that was her mom's favorite song and they used to listen to it all the time.  David loves to talk about music and his history in music.  Kyle didn't realize how  much of the music that she grew up with was David's.  Everyone is playing nice, and getting along well.  Once dinner is finished, Yolanda asks everyone to take their chairs and gather around the piano.   Kyle says she wants to sing "Amazing Grace" and starts to sing with Yolanda's friend Nina (who helped David with The Bodyguard soundtrack).  Then David corrects them they THEY aren't doing the singing - the professionals are.  "You don't speak, you don't sing", he tells everyone.  His tone is a little harsh, and I think some people are confused because at first it they made it sound like they are having a sing-along together (which is why Kyle started singing), and then he is correcting them.  Either way, the "professionals" start - Nina and Michael sing, Chris plays trumpet, and David plays piano.   Once the first song ended, David moved on to "Danny Boy", a traditional Irish funeral song.  It hit Taylor the wrong way, and Paul asked David to play something else.   Yolanda was offended that the ladies were talking during David's playing.  And then the party seemed to end without incident.

The next day (or maybe a few days later - we don't know) we see Lisa getting ready in her gigantic dressing room while talking to Ken.  She tells him that she is going to meet Adrienne for a drink.  Adrienne approached her after dinner at the Fosters and wanted to settle things.  Ken reminds her of how upset she was after all of the things that Adrienne said, and tells her they are despicable and he doesn't care if he ever sees them again.  That's exactly the problem, Lisa tells him, because they WILL see each other and it just makes it awkward for everyone.  Lisa is expecting an apology, so if Adrienne doesn't start with that, it will be a short drink.

NEXT WEEK:  The Lisa / Adrienne sit down, and the ladies go away for the weekend.

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*  Just an FYI, I have not been compensated in any way for this post.  I am sharing this recap and my thoughts on it from the perspective of a viewer / fan of the BravoTV show "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills".  I hope you enjoy it and I welcome your comments!  

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