Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Friday . . . a day early (or late depending on how you look at it)

Last Friday I was all set to share numbers 10 through 16 on my list of unconventional items that I am thankful for (in follow up from the post of 1-10).  Then the great purse debacle of 2012 occurred, and the post never happened.  So amidst the thousands of others posts about things to be thankful for today, I'll add mine to the list.  With a twist.  Except now I'm at numbers 10 through 22!

10.  Jamba Juice.  If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I have developed a small addiction to something called an "Orange Dream Machine".  It's heaven.  Until 6 weeks ago, I had never set foot in a Jamba Juice.  Now I know where every store is located within a 15 mile radius of my house and what their hours are.  I've even gotten the rest of my family hooked.

11.  Anything scented in lilac or lavender.  Reminds me of my grandmother.  It was her favorite.

12.  My own washing machine and dryer.  It may sound silly but when you lived in apartments as long as I did and had to fight for space to get your clothes clean (or spend your nights at the laundromat) you appreciate being able to put a load in and walk away.

13.  Movie reward cards.  I am a movie junkie, and we love to go see them in the theaters (preferably opening weekend).  Having a reward card that gives us freebies like drinks, popcorn and the occasional free ticket helps offset the cost.  It's not uncommon for us to have literally seen EVERYTHING that is out in the theaters.

14.  Hot rollers.  Yes, I still have them, and use them for special events.  I am a child of the 80s, I like big hair and I will be crushed if they ever stop working!

15.  Snow globes.  I still love to turn them over, shake them, and watch the snow fall over whatever beautiful design is inside.  My sweetie bought me the mac-daddy of snow globes last year for Christmas - It has a lighthouse inside AND it's a music box.  He hit the trifecta!

16.  Memory Foam mattress pads.  I splurged several years ago and bought the 4 inch pad for my bed (on sale, with coupon at Kohls) and it's been worth EVERY PENNY I spent.  My bed is now like a plush haven of comfort and I am now miserable when I have to sleep in any other bed.  I actually miss my bed when I'm not home.

17.  Caller ID.  I know it's been around for a long time but I am still thankful that I know exactly who is calling when my phone rings and I can decide whether or not I answer it or dump them in to voicemail.

18.  March Madness.  I dutifully complete my bracket each year and stalk CBS Sports for 3 weeks during the tournament.  There is something magical about college basketball, and I'm hooked every single year.  It doesn't hurt that I usually have some sort of wager attached to my bracket!

19.  Thin Mints.  Even though I can't eat them anymore (they were Dad's favorite cookies), I'm glad that they are still around.  They are the first and only Girl Scout cookie that I have ever liked, and I remember selling them when I was little - for $1 a box!

20.  Social Media.  Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have allowed me to reconnect / keep in touch with people I've known for most of my life and those that live far away.  It's also opened up a whole new world of people, places and ideas for me, as well as a new career to explore.  Without it, I'm not sure where my life would be.

21.  I know I said it would be an unconventional list but no list of things I am thankful for would be complete if I didn't list the small but mighty army who stand beside me, holding my hand and nudging me along.  Those who are thrilled for my successes and plot out ways to improve when I fail.  Those who are my inspiration, my motivation,  my challenge, and my heart and soul.  You know who you are, and I love you dearly.

22.  And I am thankful for 60 degree days in November - so that we can decorate the outside of our home for the Christmas holidays without freezing our booties off!!

I hope that you are spending this Thanksgiving day in whatever way makes you the most happy - and with those who bring out the best in you.  I certainly am!

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