Friday, November 9, 2012

Thankful Friday

Since I have been focused on the #NoBloPoMo challenge, I have completely forgotten about the Days of Thanksgiving for the month of November.  Most people are serious with their lists - thankful for their families, children, pets, etc.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for those things too (minus pets - we don't have any).  More than all the stars in the sky am I thankful for them.  But I think there are a lot of other things in my life that go without mention or thanks during the year.  Now is their time to shine!  So without further delay, I give you my "Days 1 through 9" list:

1.  My refrigerator magnet collection.  It's massive.  I get a magnet from every place I've ever been.  Some people think they add clutter to my kitchen.  I don't care - I love them.  They are the "window" to my world while at my desk working.  Like a tapestry of memories; some good, some bad.  All experiences that have made me who I am.  I have my favorites, and so do the kids.  Places that I can't wait to get back to (Santorini, Greece), or places that I know I'll never be again (Dubai).

2.  Caffeine Free Diet Coke.  I don't drink coffee, and I gave up caffeine 5 years ago when it aggravated my migraines. I drink one a day, and I'm a happy girl.  (Okay, maybe two).

3.  My one and only trophy.  It's plastic, "gold plated" and cheesy but sits at a place of honor on the bookshelf in my living room.  I won a blackjack tournament on a cruise ship.  I don't keep the trophy because my blackjack skills are so amazing that I feel the need to show off to everyone (although I was decent back then).  I keep it because it reminds me that my Dad was sitting behind me the entire time and watch the whole thing.  He was so excited and proud of me that he told everyone he ran in to for the rest of the cruise (well, everyone in the casino) that it was HIS daughter that beat all the men to win.

4.  Black-out blinds.  I outfitted my daughter's rooms with them when they were born.    Best money I ever spent.  It is always dark in their room, even at 5pm on a summer day in the room that faces West.  My girls sleep 11-12 hours a night, and they are 4 and 7.  Enough said.

5.  Fuzzy blankets.  The softer, fluffier, crazier colored and squishier the better.  For those that know me, you know that I am always cold.  Unfortunately, it is a trait that I have passed down to my children as well.  Instead of turning up the heat during the winter months (and going broke with high gas bills) we snuggle under blankets.  Everyone has a special fuzzy with a pattern that suits their personality - cupcakes, monkeys, hello kitty, Dallas Cowboys, colorful polka dots (that's mine).  I love a fuzzy blanket, and can't pass one up if they're on sale!

6.  Sharpies in many colors.  With three little girls in the house comes a plethora of little girl toys.  In little pieces.  And BIG fights over who's Polly Pocket is this and which LaLaLoopsie animal belongs to who.  So I assigned each girl a color.  And then color-coded all of their small toys (think regular Lego size and under).  Now there is no confusion over which toy belongs to which girl, and the arguments have stopped.  Yes, I am a genius!

7.  Text messaging.  I can have entire conversations with people that I have no interest in actually hearing their voice.  A great tool for co-parenting, when used properly.

8.  DVR / TiVo.  Do you remember the days of programming the VCR?  I do - and it stunk.   It wasn't always reliable, and you had to be careful which tape you used or you might accidentally record over something that was really important.  Like one of your children's first birthday party or something (*cough cough*).  I used TiVo in the very beginning, and then we switched to a DVR with our satellite provider.  It's awesome!  I can record all of my shows with relative ease, I rarely miss anything (can you say Season Pass?) and I don't have to worry about recording over precious moments.   I blame it for my inability to lose all of the baby weight.  That and .  .

9.  Popcorn.  It's my weakness.  Preferably movie theater style with tons of butter.  I can go out to a 10 course dinner, go to the movies after and I am still getting a popcorn.  Maybe not a large, but definitely a medium.  Don't get me started on microwave popcorn either.  One a day with ease.  Maybe two if I'm getting to relax and catch up on all of the shows on my DVR.  

Stop by next Friday and I'll share items 10 through 16.  I'm headed to the movies with my two favorite fellas.  Mmmm . . . I can smell the popcorn already!

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