Monday, July 2, 2012

The Real Housewives of New Jersey - Episode Ten Recap

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
This week's episode opens with continued construction at the Giudice house.  The girls are helping dad (and their uncle) stucco the "garage".  Teresa and Joe are talking about Melissa's party the night before and how strange it was to see Jacqueline, as well as the rumors that were circulating about them building an apartment for her parents.  Teresa tells Joe that she doesn't know where Jacqueline got the idea that they were building an apartment.  During her interview, Teresa says that Jacqueline is really in to gossip and what every one else is doing, but Teresa is not going to pry in her business.  Then she says that Jacqueline confided in her they were going through a bankruptcy with one of Chris's business and she's ever asked about it since then.  She said it was strange seeing her at the release party, and she is sad that they are not friends anymore.  Joe Giudice tells her to move on.  Meanwhile, Rosie comes over to hang with the girls and talk to Teresa.  They are both a little hung over from the night before.  Rosie hears stuff about Kathy in the tabloids and wants to talk to Teresa about it.  Teresa tells her that the tabloids are garbage, and Rosie brings up that there should be something out there that says, "I didn't write these articles" to clear Kathy's name.  Rosie is sick of it and she feels that the tabloid crap needs to stop.  Teresa tells Rosie that she's not putting the stories out there.  Rosie just wants to go back to a time where they all hung out together like they did when they were kids.  She wants to fix everything - she doesn't want a family war.  They spent so much time together as kids that Teresa became a "paper route girl" because of Rosie, because she wanted to do what Rosie was doing.  Teresa used to hang out with Kathy all of the time, and Rosie said she was distant because she felt she didn't fit in.  We then hear Teresa say (during her interview) that Kathy was the one that left Rosie out because "she hated the fact that her sister was gay".   OMG!!!  Teresa tells Rosie that she loves her and if anything ever bothers her to call her and talk it through.  She tells Rosie that she and her brother Joe are going to therapy, and that the other night was an eye opener for her because her friends betrayed her.  Rosie asked her about the Manzo's and the Laurita's - she thought they were family to Teresa.  Teresa thought so too, and she is sad by it.  But now, more than ever, she wants to focus on the Gorga's and Wakile's being a family together.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Melissa and Joe Gorga are at Rich and Kathy's house talking about the party the previous night.  Joe tells them that Teresa has agreed to go to therapy, and admitted that maybe she is doing something wrong too.  Kathy is so excited to hear it!  Rich is thrilled because he feels it would be good for them, and it gets him "off the hook" from listening to them talk about it all the time.  Joe feels that he doesn't need therapy (ok the "angel from God comment was a little much Joe - LOL).  Rosie joined the conversation and told them that she went to Teresa's and had what seemed to be a genuine conversation with her.  Rosie brings up the question that everyone is thinking but hasn't said yet - is Teresa only dying to get back together with her family because her other "family" (the Laurita's and the Manzo's) are no longer there?  Joe says when she was happy with Caroline and Jacqueline, she didn't care about them.  They all feel it but acknowledge that they are her family and they aren't going to turn their back on her.  Rich is concerned how Kathy and Melissa are going to juggle being friends with Caroline & Jacqueline and rebuilding with Teresa.  The ladies seem to think that it will be fine. Joe feels that it is extremely hard for Teresa to be a loyal friend.  That's why he is going to therapy - to make her understand these things.   Rosie encourages Joe to embrace therapy with Teresa and hopefully everyone will learn something.  She went to therapy because of her anger issues and she benefitted from it greatly.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
It's Sunday dinner at the Manzo's house, and the topic of the RV trip and why the Giudice's are still included comes up.  It seems like this trip is going to be a train wreck.  Chris does not want to un-invite the Giudice's.   Jacqueline will be civil if that's what Chris wants, and he's proud of her for it.  Caroline, on the other hand, says she is not interested in having any relationship with her at all.  Chris Laurita feels that he can still go to Napa with them and have a good time.   Albie has a new girlfriend and he's not just dating but in an "official relationship" with Lindsay.   He hasn't been in a serious relationship for a few years, so this is big news.  Lauren doesn't want to meet Lindsay and like her because she doesn't want to get attached to her and then have the relationship fall apart.  Albie gets mad when she continues to be friends after they've broken up.  Christopher ask how Ashlee is and Jacqueline informs them that Ashlee just got a new tattoo - of a skull head on her hand to remind her of her days at the bar.  Yikes!!!  Caroline feels that Ashlee is on a slippery slope right now - she changed her name legally, changed her looks, lip injections, etc.  Anything to try not to look like her mother.  Jacqueline says that she is getting ready to move to California and Jacqueline is scared for her.  She worries what Ashlee is going to do when she gets to L.A. with no job and no money.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
It's also time for Sunday dinner with the Wakile's, and they are at the home of Kathy's mom (Maria) and Rosie.  During dinner, Rich says that Rosie needs a love life.  Kathy asks about meeting people and going to the clubs - would Rosie take her??  Sure Rosie says - Kathy would like it!  Kathy talks in her interview about a time when she and Rosie didn't get along so well and that Rosie felt Kathy didn't include her in her heart.  Kathy says that was never the truth - she feels that Rosie needed to come to a place of self-acceptance and until that happened she had a hard time sustaining relationships with even her family.  Back to the dinner table and talking about bickering with your siblings - Maria said she never had the chance to bicker with anyone because she grew up in her fathers sister's house.  She told the story of when her grandfather died, he made Maria's father promise him that they would send her to live with his sister that couldn't have any children.  She was 5 years old when her mother took her to the aunt's house and left her there.   Years later, they would go past her mothers house and her aunt/mother would say things like "say hello to your mother and your brothers and sisters" and she didn't understand.  She was little and didn't remember that the woman who was raising her wasn't her "mother" and that she had other brothers and sisters.  Then she would go visit her and her siblings, but felt nothing until she (Maria) had children of her own.  That's when it hurt her.  Maria said she could never imagine someone saying to her "oh, this one is giving you a hard time, let me take her off of your hands for you" and her being ok with it.  Everyone was in tears.  Rosie and Kathy were upset because they gave their mom a hard time - but Maria told them it just makes them all the more precious to her.  Rosie has lived with her mom for the last 6 or 7 years, and mom wants to feel like she is taking care of Rosie.  Maria is one of the most self-less people that Kathy has ever met.  Maria tells Rich it's not good to hold grudges because it hurts you more than it hurts others.  She never held a grudge against her brothers or sisters, and Kathy feels that's an important lesson for them, and Joseph and Victoria.  Kathy said it beautifully when she said that unselfish love is all about breaking the pattern of holding grudges.

The morning of therapy, we see Teresa talking to Milania and Gia about having "lunch" with Joe.  Milania says she "hates" Joe.  They're too young to know what therapy is - and Teresa feels embarrassed.  Gia tells her no drama, and Teresa agrees.  She wants the kids to all be close to each other.  Joe is getting ready for therapy, and talks to Melissa on the phone.  He's nervous - and he knows that he's not going to get his old sister back but hopefully his kids will get their aunt back and the kids will all be able to be together.  Maybe he can open up her eyes.  Melissa tells him to stay calm, and hopefully Teresa will listen and they will make some progress.  Joe is hopeful that Teresa open up to the therapist and doesn't blame anyone else on what's going on.  He's staying positive and will see what happens.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Over at Jacqueline's house, she and her dad (Jerry) sit in the backyard with a beer and talk about Ashlee.  He talked to her about a week ago.   She wants to live in Hollywood, and he didn't see anywhere there that he'd want to live.  He said she is exhausted.  Jacqueline says she has done all she can, and if Ashlee wants to go then she should go and figure it out.  She tells him about the falling out with Teresa, and he asks her why she cares?  He feels that Teresa is busy making a living and if she pisses people off along the way, she's not concerned.  Jacqueline feels that while you are climbing to the top you shouldn't step on your friends.  Jerry said the best thing to her - "not everyone is the same kind of friend you are".  It's true!  Jacqueline looks at friendship one way, and Teresa looks at it another.  Neither is right or wrong, it's just so different that the expectations were bound to clash at some point.  Jerry asked her if Teresa ever asked her about how she was doing or the situation with Ashlee.  He said it seemed like a one-sided friendship.  Jacqueline is still sad and misses her.  It's like a breakup - and Jacqueline is taking it very hard.  She is going back and forth between hurt and anger.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
At the therapist's office, Teresa and Joe met in the outer area and they both look on edge.  Teresa says she's excited.  The therapist - Michael Sweeney - comes out to introduce himself and tell them how he is going to run the session.  He is going to have a conversation with each of them alone and then have a conversation with the two of them at the end.  Ladies first - so Teresa is ushered in to his office.  "Let's fix the Gorga's!" Joe says.  Amen!  The therapist asks Teresa to start with her grievances first.  Teresa says doesn't understand why Joe can't get past what's bothering him.  For her, she's never done anything that hurt him tremendously.  There's just something that he can't get past.  Maybe he can help Joe.  Teresa talks about how she feels that Melissa got between her and Joe.  Michael quickly deducts that her grievance is primarily with Melissa, not Joe.  Teresa says that all she has tried to do is love him, his wife and his children.  When Melissa was pregnant with their first, Teresa was pregnant with her third and she wasn't able to be there as much as Joe felt she should have been.  When Melissa first entered the family, Teresa only had Gia and didn't see Melissa bending over backwards to spend time with her.  She told the Michael that Gia didn't even like Melissa then.  Teresa says she is not a grudge holder and that she has never done anything maliciously to hurt Joe or Melissa, and this could be water under the bridge for her.  Michael asked her when it does go bad, is it a cold war and they don't talk, or do they yell and scream?  Teresa said that they talk - it starts out good and then it goes haywire.  She feels that she is damned if she does or damn if she doesn't.  either way.  Michael tells her that she should be careful of that expectation because it can cause her to walk in to a situation with a chip on her shoulder and that's a terrible way to start because it makes her ready for a fight.  She will be ready for a fight from that place.  Teresa says she always tries to do the right thing, but is knocked down by Joe because of it.  Michael tells Teresa that he has a sense that she is an emotional person.  Being emotional is great, but it cuts both ways.  She's a lot of fun when she's fun but when she's angry she is really angry.  Walking away is the best thing she can do.  Teresa feels it's good to stand her ground sometimes, but also says that she has been walking away.  Michael says walking away not in a big showy, screw-you sort of way but just simply excuse yourself and walk out.  His comment to her that the best way NOT to rekindle a relationship is to keep throwing water on it makes complete sense, but I'm not sure if she sees it that way since she didn't respond.    With that, he moves on to talking with Joe.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Joe's turn - his main grievance with Teresa starts with the birth of his first child.  He expected Teresa to love his daughter they way Joe loved her daughters - and he feels that it didn't happen.  He then says that Teresa became competitive with Melissa and just evil - saying nasty things all the time.  Joe feels that if he accepted Joe Giudice despite all of the nasty things that he has said and done to him, Teresa should have done the same in accepting Melissa.  Instead, she attacked Melissa like she was her worse enemy.  Joe never attacked Joe and instead allowed him to belittle him.  He put up with a lot from Joe Giudice for the good of the family.  He feels that Teresa didn't mean for it to get to where it is, but it slowly happened over time.  Joe agreed that they stopped Sunday dinners because why do you want to deal with aggravation?  He wants love and respect and Michael feels that the need to work smart to get it back to normal.  Now it's time for the two of them to meet with Michael together.  Once Teresa comes back in, the joint session begins.  Michael tells them that they each told him basically the same thing - each spent most of the time talking about how much family mattered to them.  This should be an easier fix because they both want the same thing.  Here is his advice - old grievances get them revved up so avoid them.  There might be a time to talk about it, but he guarantees that time is not now.  The two of them need an occasion that the two families can get together.  He feels they should restart their Sunday night dinner tradition again.  It's easier to be nice to each other going forward if you are getting along better.  That's Michael's goal.  His second piece of advice is to have conversations with themselves before getting together on Sunday to own what their individual part is in making their relationship difficult and promise themselves not to go there.  Joe feels that it sucks that it doesn't just work without having to convince yourself not to provoke the other person.  Michael tells him yes, it sucks that it doesn't work that way, but for right now that's what it is.  Start with the next six or so times that they get together trying this and see how it goes.  Teresa says that there have been plenty of times that they have been together and things have been great.  Michael says the more times that they get together and it's they get nice, the easier it will be.  Teresa tells Michael that they are going to Napa together and asks Joe if he wants to share an RV with her and Joe or the Wakile's.  Joe doesn't care - he looks worn down.  Michael tells them flat out - don't share the RV together.  It's a recipe for disaster and a great way to get in to an enormous fight.  Teresa feels that they should prove Michael wrong and share it.  It feels like she really wants Joe on "her" team instead of with Kathy and Rich during this Napa trip so she is peer pressuring him in front of the therapist.  The therapist is just shaking his head no.  Teresa reinforces to Joe that the number one thing is to forget about the past and move forward.  And the session is over.  They have a brief recap in the outer area, and Teresa reminds him again to not bring stuff up from the past.  Joe says he has some issues with things in the present but he doesn't want to get in to it.  Teresa tells him that he should talk to her so it doesn't build up again and explode like before.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
So he brings up to her an article that he read just three days ago that says Joe is taking their mothers money and Teresa is supposedly building a house for them.  It's family business - Teresa says she didn't put it out there.  Joe is furious that this article is saying all of these lies.  Once again we hear Joe talk about that his parents have lived in a house that he owned for the last ten years.  He decided to sell the house, and he is paying their rent until he can find them a nice ranch (with no stairs) to purchase for them.  The only source he knows is Teresa.  Teresa says again that it's not her - but someone that thinks they know their business and is trying to make money.  In her interview, Teresa throws Jacqueline under the bus.  Joe says he doesn't want to talk about it, he wants to walk out the door of the therapists office and start fresh.  In the hallway, off camera (but still having their microphone's on), they start in on each other about the tabloids and Teresa saying she didn't put it out there.  The next thing you know they are yelling at each other about the "shack" that she is building behind her house for their parents, and Teresa tells him to just buy them a house already.  If she had the money she would do it.  Which then Joe brings up her expensive purse and the construction at the house.  It's not really going anywhere.  They seem to come to their senses, stop yelling, tell each other they love each other and "from this day forward" it will be different.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Also during this episode, we see Rosie out with Heather Robinson and Kathy for a fun girls night out.  She tells them that she is attracted to dark-haired, light-eyed women (like Heather - LOL).  They went to a bar called the Cubby Hole and were prepared for a fun night.  Kathy wants Rosie to get back in to the scene again, and brought Heather along to "get everybody appetite going".  Heather tells the ladies that she is very secure in her sexuality.  She feels that if you want to dabble a little bit with a man or a woman, go for it.  She'll kiss a girl!  Her husband was never bothered by it, and she is very comfortable with who she is.  You go Heather!  Kathy decides that she and Heather need to go scouting for women for Rosie.  They found a girl named Brianna that seemed to hit it off with Rosie but she kept forgetting her name.  Kathy did a pretty good job of being a wing-man, but she was definitely feeling good! Apparently the drinks were really flowing that night!!!

NEXT WEEK:  Melissa works with Chris Judd on choreography, and both Rosie and Albie bring home a girl to their families.

Be sure to follow Just Jen on Twitter @3girlsmomma19 and have a great week!

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