Monday, June 25, 2012

The Real Housewives of New Jersey - Episode Nine Recap

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Chris, Christopher, Albie, Lauren and Greg hanging out in the backyard drinking.  Jac called Lauren crying because she was so upset from the conversation with Teresa the night before.  The group discusses what a good friend Jac has been to Teresa, and Chris has been to both Teresa and Joe.  The Napa trip is coming up and Chris is concerned about having to uninvite the Giudice's.  We see Jac heartbroken at what happened during her interview.  She is very sad, but she feels if she's not getting what she needs out of the friendship then there's no point.  Over at Teresa's, she is sharing with Joe what happened the night before.  After sheleft Jacqueline's house, she went straight to Dina's and broke down crying.  Dina, she feels, is a true supportive friend unlike Jacqueline whom she feels ambushed her and was being fake questioning her about the tabloid articles. And there is more conversation about the tweets that went back and forth between Danielle and Teresa a few nights ago regarding Melissa and her past involvement with Danielle.  Joe had nothing to contribute but insults, as usual.  Teresa was really hurt, and Joe tells her it's over and to find a new friend.  They are headed to Melissa's song release party the following night and Joe will support her going.  Teresa feels that she needs to make things happen with her family since she has no friends supporting her.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
That same day, Kathy received a call from Teresa asking if she would like to get together for breakfast or lunch.  Kathy, being the gracious person she is, was happy about to hear from her but was concerned that there were ulterior motives.  Regardless, she agreed to go and it appeared that they met the next day.  Teresa said that she knows they haven't talked, but she loved her like a sister.  Kathy tells her that love hasn't changed for her.  Teresa is trying to forget the past and move forward, and tells her about the "ambush" by Jacqueline and Caroline and that they don't want to be her friend anymore.  A red flag goes up with Kathy - she wants to be there for Teresa but doesn't want to ruin the relatonship she has with Jacqueline and Caroline.  Kathy tells her that she would like to get back to the place  they were when they were friends AND cousins.  The looked at old pictures and a gift that Teresa bought Victoria when she was a baby and it seemed like a pleasant, bonding meal.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Teresa and Joe sit down to talk and she tells him that she has decided to go to therapy with her brother, even though it goes against her family values.  She is still framing it as Joe is the one that has the issues, not her, and that maybe it will help him.  Teresa told her parents, and her dad wasn't too excited about the idea.  Joe Gorga is asking her for help, so she feels that she should participate.  Joe Giudice doesn't care about seeing Joe and Melissa, but he does like spending time with the kids.  He finally gives Teresa his blessing, but makes a snide comment about Joe being her "sister" now instead of her brother.  Not very helpful to the situation, Juicy, but I will say that I am happy to hear that you are supporting Teresa.

Photo Credit:  The Boardwalk Journal

Prior to the single release party that Joe is throwing for her on this night, Melissa has a phone interview with Ryan Seacrest during his radio show to discuss and preview "On Display".  She tells Ryan that the song isn't about a particular experience, but about empowerment in general.  While they are on the way to the party,  Melissa starts to read the hate tweets from people about her music.  Joe is telling her to focus on the positive!  Teresa and Joe are in the car (with a driver) on the way to the party too.  She's focusing on fixing things with her family and not worrying about Jacqueline and Caroline.  The party is held at the Hudson Terrace in NYC (, and there are copies of Melissa's cover of August edition of The Boardwalk Journal around.  What a huge party!!!  Everyone is there - Rich & Kathy, Rosie, Greg, Christopher, Albie, Caroline, Chris, Lauren, Jacqueline, the Marco sisters Kim Pirella & Lysa Simpson, makeup guru George Miguel Costa,  Not So Soccer Mom Radio Hosts Jill Hickey & Anne Cahalane, and Heather & Cliff Robinson to name just a few.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Kathy, Caroline and Kathy are sitting together and talking about Joe and Teresa and the weekend of Jamie's wedding.  They kind of filled Kathy in on what happened the other night, including Caroline telling her that she will always be cordial to her but she doesn't want to be friends.  Caroline supported Kathy in continuing a relationship with Teresa because they are family.  Kathy hopes that time will heal it.  Jacqueline and Kathy talked a little more and you can see that Jacqueline is still upset, even though she is still frustrated from the reasons why she tried to talk to her.  Teresa and Joe showed up and ignore Jacqueline, which makes her more upset.  It's kind of what she asked for with the conversation - saying that she was going to distance herself from Teresa - so I was a little confused why she took it so hard.  But Jacqueline has a tender heart, and you could clearly see that she was emotionally raw from the whole thing.  Melissa and Joe Gorga are very welcoming to Teresa and Joe Giudice at the party, and Teresa asks her brother Joe aside to talk.  She tells him that she wants to go to therapy.  Joe acknowledges that it's weird, but she says that she thinks it will be a good thing.  They both tell eachother that they want each other in their lives.  Joe is surprised, but he wants his sister in his life so he's all in.  In watching the conversation Teresa was having with Joe, I got the sense that she really felt that she may be part of the problem and was willing to address it.  And then her voice from the interview was edited in to say "I'm hoping that the therapist will help my brother see that he's the one with the problem."  Dammit - so close!!!  Joe is brought to tears when Teresa tells him that she loves him.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Poor Jac is twisted in a knot because Teresa won't acknowledge her at all.  Chris is doing a great job of being a supportive husband.  The remix is awesome, of course, and Melissa encourages everyone to get up and dance.  Jac feels the need to go talk to Teresa and ask her where they stand.  Why, I don't know.  Jacqueline is upset and Teresa could care less - that's Caroline's opinion.  Their conversation starts off ok, and Jac apologized for it getting out of hand and Teresa jumps on her with both feet.  Teresa starts harping on her about being hurt and disappointed and Jacquline tells her she is too.  Teresa doesn't seem interested in really understanding where Jacqueline is coming from - wanting to know what was real and fake with her friend of 15 years that she cares about.  All Teresa keeps saying is "That's f-ed up".  And then they cut to her interview piece where Teresa calls Jacqueline a "psycho bitch" and says "right there, I should have punched her in the face" because "that's something she deserved".  Wow - that's classy!  Back to the conversation at hand - both women are defensive and it's not going anywhere good.  Why Jacqueline doesn't just walk away because she is better than this, I have no idea.  But she sticks in there and keeps trying to make her point.  Chris and Joe Giudice standing at the bar talking about it didn't seem to go anywhere either.  Chris says in his interview piece that Jacqueline never wanted anything to do with Danielle ever again, and feels that Teresa brought it back in to her life by tweeting with her the other night.  Chris supports his wife but doesn't really go in to details about it.  Teresa feels that Jacqueline started with her and she just defended herself.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Melissa walks over to try to break up the yelling between the two of them, which apparently can be heard all over the club.  Teresa started to tell Melissa that this argument started because Danielle contacted her via Twitter about Melissa talking to her - which Jacqueline interjects was TWO YEARS AGO - and Teresa gets pissy and basically tells her to mind her own business.  Jacqueline is done listening to Teresa twist things to fit her story and walks away with a "F-You".   Jacqueline goes back to Chris and says that she gets why people can't stand Teresa - she lies, manipulates and twists things around and then accuses others of doing the exact same things when people just try to help her or call her on her crap.  Jacqueline is just done, and is on a rant - no one can make money but her, no one can have fame but her, she's extreemley jealous and on and on it goes.  Meanwhile, Teresa has picked NOW (in the middle of Melissa's release party) to question her about contacting Danielle in the past.  This is strange for someone who keeps jumping up and down saying "let's focus on the future and not the past".  Melissa says just this in her interview - it's ok to talk about the past when it's something that some one ELSE has done - just not Teresa."  Melissa explains that she was pregnant with Joey, she and Teresa were at the worst point in their relationship, she was hormonal, irrational, and she admits, hated Teresa and felt Teresa hated her.  Melissa owned that she spoke to one of Teresa's enemies because she was mad at her.  Bravo to you, Melissa, for being the type of women that OWNS your actions, right or wrong, takes responsibility for them and APOLOGIZES.  Teresa doesn't apologize for anything she's done, but acknowledges that she wants to have a relationship with Melissa too and she will forgive her for what she's done.

By the end of the night, the Giudice's are back "in the family" with the Gorga's and the Wakile's.  It is nice to see them all together, being happy as a family.  Watching Joe Giudice and Rosie kissing was hilarious!  Teresa feels that she hasn't changed, she's the same person she has always been.  When the two Joe's finally hug, it seems like a new beginning.

NEXT WEEK:  Teresa and Joe start therapy

Be sure to follow Just Jen on Twitter @3girlsmomma19

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