Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Marshmallow Brain

So it's Monday after a long weekend and my brain feels like it's made of marshmallows.  Literally.  And not the big, campfire size ones that are almost the size of a baseball.  I'm talking about the little colored ones that we used to eat as kids.  Thousands and thousands of them, rattling around in my head.  Each one represents a thought, a project, an item on an as-yet-not-written To Do list that requires my attention.

I'm on overload from a weekend filled with great information, inspirational women, and lots of fun.  I stayed in that blissful state of fun-drunk as I like to call it (not literally drunk) until reality slapped me in the face at 6:20 this morning with a cold shower.  Not of my own choosing.  RUDE!  All I could think of as I stood there trying to unstick the marshmallows inside of my brain to make room to process why the shower was cold is that this was going to totally screw up my day.   And probably cost me a fortune.  I finished up (very quickly), threw on some clothes, walked past my sleeping sweetheart and ran down to the basement to see if I, mother-of-all-trades, could figure out what the problem was.  I know ZERO about water heaters, other than this one was on it's last leg when we had a repair person out almost a year ago to replace a part.  It felt kind of cold (shocker) and I didn't hear any sounds of a flame burning.  I pushed the ignition switch - nothing.  So at 6:45am I was scheduling an appointment with the plumber and canceling my ONLY workout of the week to sit and wait, praying that my kids would understand if mommy had to spend their Christmas present money on a water heater.

As I went about my usual morning routine with my daughters, I was mentally plotting out which marshmallows I could throw out for the day and which ones could take their place.  I now had an extra 2 hours - what could I cram in to that time?  After discarding laundry as an option (hard to do without hot water), I settled on getting myself organized for the week and some light housecleaning.  By now my sweetie had opened his eyes long enough for me to tell him that I though the water heater was kaput.  He asked me if it was lit, I said no, and we moved on.  The plumbers would be here between 9:00-9:30, which would hopefully meant that I could still make my 1pm marketing class.

About 9:00am, my other half came downstairs ready to leave for work.  He had showered and was almost out the door when he made a pit stop in the basement.  After 5 minutes, he came to me and said, "Can you cancel the plumbers?".  What??!!  Apparently, I was not the mother-of-all-trades that I thought I was because we didn't need a plumber.  We just needed to light the heating ring (which I thought I tried to do).  It was then that my boyfriend reminded me that the thermostat needs to be turned up in order to get the ring to light.  Apparently the plumber told us this last year when he was here, and it's just what we have to deal with until the unit fails completely and we have to replace it.  I looked at him with my mouth hanging open.  "Don't you remember?", he asked me sweetly, without judgement.  I have ZERO recollection of said conversation with the plumber.  Zero.  Which just PROVES that my brain has been filled with marshmallows for quite some time.

A phone call to cancel the plumber (they were almost here, but didn't charge me), one more check to make sure the water heater was still lit (it is), and now I'm left sitting in an empty house with marshmallow brain.  Hmmm . . . .I think I'll go eat some of that Witch Hazel candy.  Now where did I hide it?????

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