Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Episode Four Recap

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
 Lisa and Adrienne meet for a drink, at Adrienne's request, to move past their differences.  Adrienne felt strange at Yolanda's, and realized it was time to put their issues aside.  Once Lisa sat down, she thanked her for the flowers right away.  Adrienne apologized for the size of the flowers, and Lisa told her that she hopes it was a peace offering.  Adrienne started by saying that she was sorry if she hurt her feelings.   At the time what Adrienne heard from others hurt her feelings, so she reacted.  She tells Lisa that what she did was stupid, and she should have gone to her first and talked to her.  That's what friends are supposed to do.  Adrienne continues by saying that they are much better friends than enemies and they have a great time together, plus they are both too busy to waste time on these types of issues (they've both said things that have hurt each other).  She feels that they are both mature and it's time to move on.  Adrienne says that she owes Lisa an apology, and she is very sorry.  Lisa tells Adrienne that she was devastated when she questioned her integrity, and she felt very violated and insulted.  Lisa doesn't want to get in to a shouting an screaming match - that's not who she is.  Nor is she going to gossip behind her back.  Lisa accepted her apology, but didn't offer one to Adrienne (which didn't surprise Adrienne in the least.)

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Kim visited Yolanda at her home - she really likes Yolanda and feels that she has a great aura about her.  They talked about kids (we got to see Yolanda's son, Anwar) and how they were headed back to school.  The ladies headed outside to chat about the upcoming trip to Ojai that Kim has organized for the group.  Kim loves Ojai and feels that it is a wonderful place with almost magical powers.  She is hoping that it will help mend the group and they can let go of all the petty things that have gone on between them.   David has a concert at the Kennedy Center, so the Foster's will attend that and then Yolanda will head to Ojai to meet up with the ladies.   She is excited for a girls weekend!

Brandi has a meeting at home with her literary agent to recap some recent pitch meetings regarding her new book about coping with divorce.  Brand wrote it in the hopes that it could help someone.  The agent gives her great feedback - everyone loved the proposal.  Brandi had a wonderful time at the meetings - until her potty mouth kicked in!  The agent tells her the book is fresh, the content is good, it's funny, shows her personality, and there's a lot of good information.  She did anything and everything to get through the hard times - and she is willing to talk about it where most women don't.  The book is her opportunity to tell the story the way it really happened.  The agent is hoping to get an offer on it soon.  Brandi has traveled a long way to her to the place that she is at, and she is hopeful that the book will show that.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Kyle and her daughter Alexia are headed to the Department of Motor Vehicles so that she can take the written portion of her permit test for the 3rd time (she's failed twice before).  Kyle is a nervous wreck - and even asks if she can go back with Alexia while she is taking the test (nice try Momma Bear!).   It's hard for Kyle to see her daughter growing up.  Driving is just one step closer for her being an adult and not being around as much.  Finally, Alexia has passed and her reward is getting to drive Kyle's new Maserati home?  Only in Beverly Hills!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Lisa works for Beverly Hills Lifestyle Magazine and has hooked Brandi up with a modeling assignment for them.  Brandi looks STUNNING!  Lisa is hopefuly that this photo shoot will lead to a resurgence in Brandi's modeling career.  Best line of the episode goes to Lisa about Brandi:  "As long as she keeps her knees together and her mouth closed it will be fabulous!"  HA!   Brandi has several wardrobe changes - from long gowns to more casual dresses - and she rocks every look.  But she is very self-critical when reviewing the photographs (a wrinkle on her thumb?).  Lisa feels that the damage created from Eddie cheating on her and leaving her the way he did has left permanent insecurities in Brandi.  Which is why she behaves the way she does sometimes.  Lisa is very protective of Brandi, and Brandi adores Lisa in return.  You can tell that Lisa is a role model for Brandi.  It's a very sweet friendship to watch.   After the photo shoot, they head to Ojai for the weekend to join the rest of the group.  Brandi is anxious about the weekend and Kim, but Lisa assured her that it would be fine.  They are both looking forward to getting to know the "real" Kim.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Kyle, Adrienne, Taylor, Kim and Camille meet at Kyle's house to head to Ojai together.  Kim is really excited that every one is willing and interested in going.  Taylor is proud of her for putting this trip together.  Kim was a little thrown with Lisa presenting Brandi to come for the weekend, but she's willing to mend her side of the fence.  During the car ride, there is some interesting conversation from Camille about Kelsey getting a tattoo near his "man parts" and how well endowed her current boyfriend Dimitri is!  Oh my!  The ladies arrive at the Casa Elar (a private estate) on the grounds of the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa.  The tour provided by the Resort Manager, Shawn, is absolutely stunning!  It's a Mediterranean-style villa with 5 bedrooms, a heated pool and a jacuzzi.   However, three of the bedrooms have twin beds,  so there will be people sharing.  As soon as this detail was revealed, all interest in the features of the house went out the window and you could see the ladies start plotting who was sleeping where.  Adrienne even commented that she was planning on getting a better bedroom than Lisa this time!  Yolanda flies in to Camarillo airport from Washington, DC and takes a limo to the resort, arriving next.  (BTW, she looks like she stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad - very chic and casual).  Brandi and Lisa arrive last and are excited to see everyone.  There's a little awkwardness between Kim and Brandi but they are both trying.  Lisa brings up the sharing rooms thing - and Kim tells her that she and Brandi would be sharing and that Yolanda would have a room by herself.  Adrienne seems a little smug that Lisa and Brandi are sharing.  The last time Lisa shared a room was 15 years ago, with her husband.  She's not going to make a fuss - but she doesn't look thrilled.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
That evening the group heads to the restaurant at the Resort for dinner.   Kim is the boss - and let's everyone sit where they want to for dinner.  Brandi and Kim end up across from each other.   Lisa offers a toast to thank Kim for inviting everyone.  Kim wants each of them to take in the serenity that the resort has to offer and hopes that they can put behind the things that have happened between them behind and move forward in forgiveness.  Kim tells them that she is in a place where she is really happy and can't imagine that life can be any better.  She wants that for the rest of the ladies.  Adrienne comments that it's nice to see Kim happy.  Camille and Brandi sit and chat about ex- husbands and Kyle chimes in.  When Brandi talks about Eddie and Leanne, Kyle feels like she understands her more.  Brandi compliments Kim on her wonderful daughters - and that they give Brandi a hard time because they are protective of their mother.  Kim feels strange - she is starting to like Brandi!  Brandi tell Kim that she can tell how much her girls love her and what good girls they are.  This is the first time that Kim and Brandi are really getting to know each other.  Brandi confides her in her that there are times that she will sit in the dark and be sad because no one is calling to do anything because everyone is married and has kids and a family.  She feels very alone.  Kim can relate because her kids are grown and have a life of their own and don't need her as much.  Her house has always been filled, and the house is empty now.  Brandi tells Kim that it took two years to move on.  She wants Kim to know that she's not judging her - she went through the same thing.  Shes been in the darkest of dark places.  Brandi apologizes to her, and Kim apologizes back.  Which makes Kim emotional.  They are really having a moment of genuine bonding and understanding.  Adrienne sees Kim well up with tears and says "awww - somebody's crying" several times.  Brandi gets annoyed that Adrienne is butting in to the conversation and "cackling" to get every one's attention instead of just asking Kim if she is okay (or staying out of it) .  She calls Adrienne out on it, and the next thing we know, Brandi is telling Adrienne to "shut the f*** up".  Yikes!!!

NEXT WEEK:  A fight at the dinner table, and more craziness in Ojai.

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*  Just an FYI, I have not been compensated in any way for this post.  I am sharing this recap and my thoughts on it from the perspective of a viewer / fan of the BravoTV show "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills".  I hope you enjoy it and I welcome your comments!  

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