Friday, November 16, 2012

Do YOU know what's in your wallet??

A cautionary tale:



  1. Thanks for the shout out!! It really makes my day when I can make someone else smile, especially after a long shift. Your blog is very interesting by the way!! I love how you write, and how personable you are. Honestly I can't stop reading and I just started! I will be looking forward to running into you and company again soon when you stop in for your orange dream.

  2. Lauren: Thanks again for the Jamba! As you can see, it made my night!

  3. going to do it now....never have done that, but always knew it was a good idea!!! Thanks!

  4. We had our GPS unit taken from our car. It was in our middle compartment of the car. And like you, I'm sure it was a case of me forgetting to lock my car and someone just looking for open doors. I'm sorry that happened to you and I will for sure make current copies of my stuff.

  5. It's a shame that we don't live in a world that we can't leave our doors open anymore. Despite it being my own blonde-ness that misplaced my purse, it was a nice reminder that I need to a) slow down and b) have current copies of things in case it DOES happen. P.S. If you don't know what I am referring to, see yesterday's vlog!
