Sunday, November 4, 2012

Boot Camp, Day Two

Day Two of Bloggy Boot Camp was just as you would imagine a boot camp would be (minus the yelling).  Exhilarating, overwhelming at times, and ultimately life changing.  My brain and my blog will never be the same.  The Day Two speakers were every bit as amazing as the day before, and their knowledge base and expertise in their respective fields was undeniable.  Once my brain has had time to settle down and stop feeling like it is full or marshmallows (you were so right Tiffany!), I'll be blogging more about specific tips that were covered.  For now, here are some of my favorites from yesterday:

* Sara Fisher from 2 Moms Media sharing that today, more video is uploaded to YouTube in one month than news media outlets created in 60 years.  Video is where it's at.

* Kelly Tirman and Yuliya Patsay introducing us (well, at least me) to Twylah.  I can't wait to delve in and figure it out!

Gigi Ross letting me know that there's nothing wrong with you if you are a niche-less blogger.  THANK YOU!!!

Kim Byers sharing that one of the best tool to track email success is using the "return receipt" feature.

* Samantha Howe and her entire presentation about Blurb Books was amazing.  There IS a book inside all of our blogs - we just need to find it.

* Lynette Young and Google+.  Get on it, like yesterday.  If you do it right, you can actually replace PAID ADVERTISERS with your content on the right sidebar.

* Lauren Walker reminding us that even when we are working with "friends", we need to   make sure that we READ the contract.  And that any writings outside" of the contract (email changes, etc.) aren't binding.

* Heather King pointing us to a website called Freedom to help us manage our social media access versus family time.  Among the other brilliant things that she spoke about.

Tiffany Romero reminding us that if our response isn't a "Hell Yea!" it should be a "No".

Thank you to the organizers, speakers and fantastic women that I met over the last two days.  I can't wait to check out all of your websites/blogs and get to know you better!


  1. Thank you so much for the shout out. You are well on your way, I know that for sure! So glad we had a chance to chat before the conference ended!

  2. Lisa - it was spectacular! I highly recommend attending a Bloggy Boot Camp seminar!

    Gigi - I'm glad we did too! Thanks for your time!

  3. Thank you!! It was a pleasure to meet you!!

  4. Love this post! I forgot about Freedom.
