Monday, July 16, 2012

The Real Housewives of New Jersey - Episode Twelve Recap

It's Time for the Fancy Foods Show and Beat Stock!!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Melissa works with back-up dancers and famed choreographer Cris Judd to get ready for her performance at Beat Stock.  This is the last day of rehearsal and you can tell that she is nervous.  At this point, Melissa has only performed live at the BLK launch and she really wants to do her best.   Melissa acknowledges that she isn't the best singer in the world but she thinks it takes a lot of courage to get on stage and perform.  We also see Gia rehearsing for her Beat Stock performance as well.  She is a great dancer for such a young girl!

PhotoCredit:  BravoTV

Kathy and Rich drive to a Ice Cream Shop in her old neighborhood to meet with the owner about her desserts.  She has brought him a sampling of her favorites, and would like to be able to set up a table in his shop with samples for people to try.   Rich is very encouraging of her, and even though he speaks for her sometimes and has great business sense, Kathy really wants to do this on her own.   She feels that if she goes back to where she came from it may trigger something inside her - a sense of pride and motivation.   They meet with Sal from Gelotti's Ice Cream Shop and he loves Kathy's desserts and the idea of a sampling table!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
The team from BLK was preparing for the Fancy Foods Show in Washington, DC and were inspecting their booth at the warehouse.  It looked fantastic and you can see how far the company has grown since it started.  Chris Laurita estimated that the booth cost between $15-$25k.  Caroline and Albert are heading to the same event as Al will be premiering the new Brownstone Sauce.  Al doesn't have a booth - just some signage - and Christopher finds it entertaining that Dad is aspiring to the level that the boys are instead of the other way around.  Once everything is packed up and the boys are headed to DC in the BLK van, Chris Laurita is a little tense.  He is making business calls while driving and the rest of them (Albie, Christopher, Greg, Gianluca - a childhood friend, and their cousin Joey) are sitting in the back making fart jokes.   He doesn't find it very entertaining.  The purpose of this trip is to get more retailers excited about BLK.  They have all been working their butts off and no one has made any money yet - despite everyone being "all in" on this product.  With a stop at "The Wishing Well" in Philadelphia for lunch, and a failed attempt by Chris and Greg to finish something called the  "Shame Burger Challenge" ( two double burgers, 2 bricks of scrapple - pork stuff mixed with cornmeal, 2 fried eggs, 2 buns and 2 pounds of fries), they are back on the road.  Once they arrive in DC,  they head out to The Russia House for a few cocktails.  Again, Chris Laurita tells them that they are working tomorrow and he doesn't want them to get out of hand.  Chris Laurita is definitely the more serious one and he is trying to impart some wisdom on the boys.  It's clearly falling on deaf ears because the next thing you know, Christopher is in the bathroom throwing up because he drank too much.   All of the boys get up the next morning at the Fancy Foods Show to unload all of the water.  Chris Laurita talked in his interview about having an apparel business that was forced in to a bankruptcy, so this is an important event for them.  

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
It's the morning of Beat Stock and everyone at the Giudice's is getting ready!  Teresa is getting her makeup done and ask the girls to "go get Daddy in my bedroom, please".  One of the children responded that "daddy's sleeping in his own room".  In an interview clip, Jacqueline says that there are rumors that Teresa and Joe both lead separate lives but in public they pretend like nothings wrong.  The make-up stylist asks Gia if she is nervous to perform and tells her that Melissa is also performing.  Gia responds that she is probably going to lip-sync.  Teresa in her interview says that she wants to hear just Melissa sing solo.  Clearly this has been said many times before in the Giudice house for the kids to pick it up.  Once everyone is ready, we see the entire Giudice clan in a limo headed to Beat Stock.  Joe and Teresa are encouraging Gia to do the best she can.  Again, the subject of Melissa comes up and Gia's response is the lip-syncing remark.   As well as her feeling the need to pretend to be Melissa and mock her song.  And Melania chiming in with "Melissa stinks".  While Joe Giudice laughs and we don't see Teresa discipline her children or correct their behavior.  Maybe it was done off camera, but we didn't see it.  I am a firm believer that everyone should be allowed to parent their children how they see fit.  But there are some basic standards that all children should be taught.  Respect for adults is one of them.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Melissa and Joe are in a hotel along with her team getting ready for her performance (Hi George Miguel!  Hi Robyn!)  The day of Beat Stock is also their seven year wedding anniversary, and you can see that they are still very much in love.  In fact, you see that throughout the episode (and the season really) that these two seen to have a great relationship and really connect with each other and their children.  We saw them hanging out at their shore house (what appeared to be earlier that week), playing with the kids in the pool.  Joe almost has a 'GORGASM" as soon as Melissa walks out of the house with their cocktails in her bathing suit!   I think I probably could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that Joe Gorga calls his penis Tarzan!!!  Melissa said in her interview that the key to a successful relationship is to have sex every single day.  I'm not sure if I agree with her, but if that's what works in her marriage (and clearly they are two extremely happy people) then rock on for them!!!   And then another day, we saw them at home and Joe is trying to get her to "release the poison" so she will perform better.  Shirtless and trying to get naked, he's got Melissa on the bed and kissing her feet when there's a knock at their door.  Foot fetish much!  Joe Gorga is trying to get his moves on and Antonia comes running in the room.  Best line - "knock, knock - who's there - cock blocker!"  Joe has so much faith in his wife it's amazing!  He is so confident in Melissa's abilities as a singer and a performer.  It's really great to see two people so in love!  After receiving texts of encouragement from Albie, Caroline and Jacqueline and finishing getting ready, Joe and Melissa head to Beat Stock together in their car with Joe pumping her up and giving her loving words of encouragement.

Photo Credit:  Greg Bennett

Back at the Fancy Food Show, Greg grabs a BLK water and Al and Chris to go meet Patti LaBelle.  Al says in his interview that he doesn't really know who she is!  Shameful!!  Greg was so sweet with his "Miss Patti" and bringing her a water!  She knew who he was too, which must have been absolutely amazing for him!  Ms. LaBelle actually had a booth at the expo, marketing some kind of sauce she made, and you could tell that she and Greg had an instant connection.  Watching Patti LaBelle drink BLK water on the spot and saying it was good was great for him!!!  It looked like BLK made some great connections that day, and Chris Laurita seemed to be happy with how things were progressing.   Meanwhile, Caroline has a BLK shirt on AND she is trying to support Al and the Brownstone Sauce.  It's pretty entertaining to see the boys have such a gigantic booth and the parents have small booth! After the show, the Manzo's were out to dinner and Chris Laurita told Caroline that Albie seems lovestruck.  Albie said during his interview if he was ever faced with a choice between BLK and Lindsey, it will always be his family.  It may not make sense to anyone else, but it's his life.  Next up for BLK is the trip to Napa spending time in a vineyard that's doing a deal with them.

Photo Credit:  BravoTV
Beat Stock was held in Farmingville, NY and it is an all-day, dance music concert.  Everyone was there!   Teresa and Gia popped in to Melissa's dressing trailer to say HI before their performances and everyone was trying to be happy, pleasant and encouraging.  Melissa and Gia headed towards the stage, the rest of the family heads out front to watch the show.  Gia goes first as a back-up dancer, and everyone supported her, cheered for her and was super proud of her.  Melissa was impressed with Gia's performance, but now she is really nervous.  Cris Judd is there to help calm her down and encourage her.  Now it's Melissa's turn!  She did a great job with her dancing, "RockStar" is a fun summer party hit, you could see how proud her sisters Lysa and Kim were from the tears that were streaming down their faces, and Joe Gorga had a smile plastered on his face from ear to ear!  Even Teresa said that she was amazed at how well Melissa danced and she was happy to support her.  Woohoo! Cris took pictures of everything, and Melissa and the dancers were looking at them after the show and really reveling in the great job that they did.  You are right, Melissa, you DO get to own that feeling of pride that you have!

Photo Credit:  BravoTV

Teresa and Melissa chatted after everything settled down and agreed that Napa will be a good time.  They seem to be getting along well and they both are looking forward to being together for those five days.  Melissa really wants Teresa and Jacqueline to repair their relationship.  Teresa says that the Laurita's are fair-weather friends.  Caroline wishes she could go back and not invite the Giudice's but she can't undo what's been done.   Once they get home, Chris Laurita is going to invite Rich, Joe Gorga and Joe Giudice over to the house to talk.  His intentions are for the men to be on the same page to keep the women in check.  Albert decides that he is not going.  As far as he is concerned, nothing good comes from a conversation with Joe Giudice and he is not interested.  

NEXT WEEK:  Kathy's dessert business gets off the ground but not without tension between her and Teresa over recipes and the Husbands have a sit down.

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